Welcome to my corner of the internet

A fearless 35-plus, single female traveler with a passion for skydiving and an insatiable wanderlust. As a personal trainer and strength training expert, I’ve embarked on an extraordinary journey that blends my love for fitness with the freedom of the open road.

Join me as I share thrilling tales of skydiving escapades, the challenges and triumphs of living full-time in my van, and the captivating experiences of solo travel from Sweden to Spain and Portugal. Together, we’ll explore the highs of life in the skies and on the road, while embracing the unique perspective of a single woman navigating the world in pursuit of her passions. Get ready for a whirlwind of adventure, fitness, and a life less ordinary!

“Be a beautiful cupcake in a world full of muffins”

✗⚬メ𝟶, Eva

Follow the journey live on my social media here!

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